How to play
To play the quiz, follow these steps:
- Choose Category: Select a category from the "Select Category" dropdown. Options include Linux, Bash, Docker, SQL, CMS, Code, or DevOps.
- Select Difficulty: Choose Easy, Medium, or Hard from the "Select Difficulty" dropdown.
- Start Quiz: Click the "Start Quiz" button to begin.
- Answer Questions: For each question, read the prompt and select the correct answer.
- Next Question: Click "Next Question" to move to the next one.
- Complete Quiz: Continue until the end of the quiz.
- Finish Before Timeout: You have a total of 5 minutes to complete the quiz. The timer starts when you click "Start Quiz" and stops when you finish playing or time runs out.
- View Results: After all questions, view your final score and completion message.
- Restart Quiz: Click "Restart Quiz" to play again.
Enjoy playing the programming quiz!